How does erp differ from unit. The main differences between 1C:UPP and 1C:Accounting. Reflection of trading activities

The question is also relevant because now an increasing number of manufacturing enterprises are switching from foreign SAP to domestic analogues due to the high cost of servicing the imported program and inconsistencies in working with Russian legislation. In this article, we will briefly consider what are the main differences between ERP and ERP, what are their strengths and what are the capabilities of their functionality.

What is the difference between 1C:UPP and 1C:ERP?

It’s worth noting right away that both programs are similar in their mission – business automation in a single system, however, they have a number of differences that distinguish one from the other. Here the choice depends on the goals of automation, the features of management accounting and the organizational structures of companies (whether they are simple enterprises without divisions, holding structures or groups of companies).

The main differences between both programs are implemented functionality. If the possible maximum is initially introduced into the SPP, then the ERP functionality can be configured during the direct implementation of the program at the enterprise. Those. setting up 1C:UPP is the implementation of a program immediately with the maximum possible functionality, and the implementation of 1C:ERP is a whole process that represents customizing the program to the specific features of your business and equipping it with those functions that may be needed to reflect the business processes taking place be at your enterprise. Let us summarize once again that even the 1.3 edition does not have the capabilities that the erp modules have. Yes, the UPP is equipped with a universal set of functions that can be used immediately without unnecessary settings, but also with many unnecessary functions that may not be needed at all in the process of managing an enterprise.

In addition, the 1C:ERP program implements new subsystems, similar functionality of which in 1C:UPP is scattered across different sections. For example, the Marketing and Planning subsystem in ERP is implemented with maximum consideration of all the needs that may arise during the work of the department. There is no such section in the UPP, and similar functions are scattered across several sections. Some functions are found in Purchasing, some in Sales, Planning or Production, which is extremely inconvenient and ineffective.

Also in ERP Improved Sales section, which includes the functionality implemented in the UPP and combines the functions of other similar sections of the UPP. In addition to the SCP functionality, ERP has introduced additional features that significantly facilitate the work of sales department specialists. For example, in ERP you can manage sales representatives, work with claims, etc.

A significant distinctive feature of 1C:ERP is also the fact dedicated Warehouse section. In 1C:UPP, warehouse functions are scattered across different sections, which, firstly, is inconvenient, and secondly, often leads to temporary losses when reflecting warehouse tasks.

Plus the software the 1C:ERP solution is equipped with a Budgeting section thought out to the smallest detail. Flexible and useful capabilities have been introduced here that allow you to create and manage actual data for each individual subsystem. Such accounting 1C:UPP is a longer, more labor-intensive and confusing process. Users who know all the nuances of their enterprise’s business processes and reflect them in the program will appreciate the functionality of the section - it is simple, convenient and comprehensive.

In general, I would like to note that both programs undoubtedly each have their own advantages. It all depends on the goals of automation and the structure of the business to be automated. If this is a simple production that does not require special management functions, then most likely it can be automated using the SCP program. If the business has a complex holding structure, then ERP work is needed, which takes into account the best domestic and world experience in automating complex level production. As a matter of fact, the entire erp concept is built on maximally covering all business processes in an enterprise, linking them into one system operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Many people believe that the cost of SCP is lower than the cost of ERP, and this is a strong argument in favor of the former. However, even taking into account the fact that when choosing UPP the price is more attractive, the versatility of ERP takes precedence.


Between “1C:UPP” and “1C:Accounting” you can find significant differences during use. Let's look at some of them:

  • Differences in the design of types of reports (accounting reports in UPP have a more modest design compared to reports in BP, which are equipped with a bright header and many additional settings);
  • The difference in the design of document journals (the names and composition of the journals will be quite unusual for accountants compared to BP);
  • Additional search fields have been implemented on document journal forms.

Let's look at the differences "1C:UPP" And "1c accounting" at a technical level, to technical features that may have an impact on accounting. Let's also consider alternative means proposed by 1C:UPP.

The most fundamental difference is observed in the principles of accounting in UPP and BP for an accountant: there is a limitation when reflecting business transactions with “Accounting certificates”. Some companies base their accounting precisely on the use of “Operations” - this happens because the UPP uses accounting registers, in addition to accounting registers. In UPP, specialized documents are used to carry out operations.

For example, to reflect the interest on an issued loan, accountants refer to the transaction and indicate the correspondence Dt91 Kt76, however, with this approach, the register of mutual settlements with counterparties in 1C:UPP will not be used, the document for the sale of goods and services will be used.

It is worth noting that the operation document can be used, but only in conjunction with the register adjustment document, which can become a problem for an untrained user.

There are also some differences in subconto accounting for certain accounting accounts, and the necessary information cannot be obtained by conventional means.

For example, account 60 does not contain the 3rd subaccount “Documents of settlements with counterparties,” which is reflected in the BP as a registrar, so these documents will not be reflected in the standard balance sheet. As a way out of this situation, you can use the “Statement of mutual settlements with counterparties” report.

There are some accounts missing in 1C:UPP, for example, the MC account. Accounting for materials in use in the BP is carried out using the MC account. In UPP, you can obtain information about materials transferred into operation in the “Materials in Operation” register and the “Statement of Materials in Operation” report.

There is no month-end closing procedure that is understandable to most accountants. Closing a month can be done using the “Month Closing Procedure” business process in conjunction with the “Month Closing Setup” directory element.

There are also special cases, for example, using the document “Moving the OS”. Typically, accounting indicates the path of movement of fixed assets, and the SCP only indicates the final destination. The current location of an object can be determined by a register entry.

It covers almost all aspects of accounting and management, creating a unified information space for the company. But the product is no longer optimal due to the peculiarities of running a modern business, and therefore needs a successor. It was the system (Enterprice Resource Planning) - a new round of development of corporate solutions from 1C. This is a full-fledged replacement for 1C:UPP, which will disappear from the developer’s virtual shelves on April 30, 2018.

Simpler and better

The 1C:ERP system was originally designed to work in thin client mode, and therefore is perfectly scalable and more productive than its predecessor thanks to the new three-tier architecture. There is support for working in the browser without installing clients, which significantly saves money on maintaining remote servers.
Ease of use for the end user is an important consideration in the design. The developers were guided by two key principles: “no unfinished or controversial functionality” and “no one needs elements that are too complex, inconvenient and rarely used.”

Complete customer focus

The system's creators have completely moved away from the method of making targeted fixes, focusing on the ultimate business goals of most customers. As a result, a completely new development algorithm was created, where the final goal is realized, and individual elements are not corrected. In fact, the well-known principle of Henry Ford was taken as a basis, which proved: to move faster, you need not a faster horse, but a technical revolution. Everything is the same here, but less pretentious.

The reporting system is thought out to the smallest detail and tailored to a specific use case - just take it and create it. This system simply does not have objectively useless functions and details that greatly burdened the 1C:UPP start interface, where it was necessary to get rid of unnecessary windows, plug-ins and add-ons. Everything is simple and minimalistic. Need to install an extension or add a few details to the overall scheme? A couple of minutes of free time solves the problem.

Functional development

In order for you to get the right impression of the system, you need to know that it surpasses SPP in at least a dozen key indicators, even though it was created from scratch and was not a planned upgrade of the previous product.

Among the main advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • procurement and sales management - flexible pricing, as well as working with discounts, payment schedules and mutual settlements. The interface is as clear as possible for the seller and free of “accounting” habits;
  • inventory management - the functionality has been completely redesigned and brought to perfection;
  • production planning - management has been implemented taking into account bottlenecks, which allows you to effectively solve assigned tasks, starting from your own shortcomings;
  • cost calculation - without pitfalls and automatically closes at the end of the month;
  • accounting for production costs has become simpler, although it has slightly lost its flexibility. But it gained in speed and accuracy of data processing;
  • Budgeting is an ideal tool that every business can adapt to its own needs.
Now, as for the new functions that were simply not included in the UPP:
  • warehouse management - targeted content of goods based on WMS support;
  • the warehouse order system is smart, simple and obedient;
  • planning the delivery of goods “supplier - client” with transport management;
  • report panels are beyond praise;
  • automatic email distribution, including notifications, confirmation of payment status and reports.
Needless to say, ERP in its basic version is head and shoulders ahead of SCP, despite its many years of improvements since its release.

Ambitious prospects

The functionality develops at the speed of a locomotive that has picked up speed and stubbornly follows the goal. Developers offer significant updates and additions quarterly, and minor errors, shortcomings and bugs are eliminated every week, which is faster than even the legendary pace of improvement of Microsoft products.

Does it make sense to switch to ERP, or should I wait for a more advanced product? Team 1C does not plan to update the system for several years for one simple reason: there is nothing to improve, since information technology has hit its logical ceiling. It is much more profitable to support a new product by regularly fixing bugs and introducing new useful features.

Large companies additionally receive a significant bonus in the form of corporate support and software support.

The answer is clear - YES. And the company will be happy to help you with this. The main feature of the product, which will delight any system administrator who has at least once suffered from installing, configuring and calibrating a system, is the cloud client and client-server architecture.

The owner has the opportunity to access the account from anywhere. To log in, you can use a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet on any OS (Windows, iOS, Android). All data is stored on a secure central server, which is serviced 24/7 and guarantees the safety of personal information.

Today everything is determined by the availability of data, and therefore the lion’s share of large and medium-sized enterprises need it like air.

The release of the 1C:ERP solution was a new step in the development of 1C products. We can safely say that they have reached a new level. However, all the advantages of 1C:ERP have a downside - it was developed from scratch, without regard to how similar functions were made in UPP. Because of this, companies already using 1C:UPP will not always find it easy to switch to 1C:ERP. In this article I will try to summarize all the arguments “Pros” and “Cons” regarding the transition from SCP to ERP.

Let's start with the main features of 1C:ERP, namely, with technical details, gradually move on to aspects that are understandable to customers from the business side, and consider the other side of the coin of all innovations.

(The arguments of this article remain relevant when choosing between ERP and an industry solution based on SCP. More on this in the final part.

When deciding whether to switch from the “Trade Management 10.3” configuration to “Trade Management 11”, almost all of the arguments presented are also relevant, because these solutions correspond to PPM and ERP systems respectively. However, given that “Trade Management 11” was released much earlier than ERP, and has already undergone significant refinement based on the customer’s wishes, of these two options I would even more strongly recommend choosing “Trade Management 11”).

Technological advancement

The 1C:ERP system was initially developed to work in thin client mode. Thus, it scales significantly better and achieves significantly better performance than SCP. Also, the architecture of a three-tier client-server with a thin client can significantly reduce scaling costs, makes it possible to work in a browser, without installing a separate client, and allows you to save costs on terminal servers when working remotely.

Emphasis on ease of use of the program

In the development of 1C:ERP, an important place is occupied by ensuring maximum convenience and ease of use for users. On the one hand, this is an absolute plus. On the other hand, the desire to simplify everything as much as possible has led to the fact that users are sometimes surprised to learn that ERP lacks some basic things that they are used to in SCP. Why did they disappear? There are two popular reasons: 1C developers may have considered them too complex and inconvenient to use; or they might consider them “not methodologically sufficient.” What this means, see the next paragraph.

Focus on a specific work methodology

When developing ERP, 1C developers decided to take the following path: instead of fulfilling each user requirement head-on, they try to understand for what ultimate business goal this requirement arises. As a result, those requirements are realized, the essence of which is well understood. Also, when implementing, developers do not strive to implement exactly what customers say, but to understand the final goal and implement exactly it. This is a fairly logical approach, because... users do not always understand that their goal can be more easily achieved by other means. As Henry Ford said: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have asked me to give them a faster horse.” As a result, the new 1C product looks very integral, and when you understand its operating logic, there is no need to remember individual nuances, because everything flows more or less logically from each other and seems intuitive.

The fly in the ointment is this: 1C developers do not at all strive to implement business requirements directly, as stated by the users themselves. The most illustrative ERP problem, in my experience, is reporting deficiencies. Instead of creating a variety of highly customizable reports (which the 1C platform makes it relatively easy to do, and which has to be done at each implementation), 1C developers try to predict which reports are most useful. And they only implement these most useful reports, because... the presence of many reports makes it difficult to find the ones you need, and the system seems more complex, but they want to make it simple and understandable.

As a result, the system is very pleasant to demonstrate when selling: the reports are well thought out and tailored to a specific use case, attention is not distracted by unimportant reports. But when you start using the system, you are often irritated by the lack of basic reports, which often existed even in UPP. These reports may not be particularly necessary. Their benefits are subjective. But when management is already used to analyzing certain data in a certain way, they can be irritated by the lack of the most basic reports. In this case, the 1C developers seem to be declaring that they are not interested in the subjective opinion of users, but in objective usefulness. And based on this thesis, they sometimes stubbornly do not implement those functions that are not very useful in their subjective opinion. Drawing a parallel with the aforementioned Henry Ford, I note that until the end of his life he stubbornly refused to paint cars other than black.

Functional development of the program

In order to get the right impression of the product when you first get acquainted with ERP, it is necessary to mention that it is significantly superior to SPP in the following functions:

* Sales and purchasing management - more flexible management of pricing and discounts, management of mutual settlements and payment schedules, interfaces that are more understandable for sellers (previously, the logic of working with orders was more “accounting”).

* Inventory management - the functionality of maintaining inventory and securing orders has been redesigned and significantly improved.

* Production planning - bottleneck planning techniques have been implemented, making it much easier and, in many cases, more accurate and efficient to plan and reschedule production.

* Cost calculation - works faster, does not stumble on various nuances, which is why closing the month in UPP was such a painful procedure.

* Cost accounting in production - works easier, especially with the process of transfer and consumption of material costs. Although in terms of flexibility, UPP still sometimes loses (for reasons - see above, ERP developers have not yet been convinced that greater flexibility is needed, at the expense of simplicity).

* Flexible Budgeting System is a unique case among all ERP functions when the developers, instead of offering a specific methodology, tried to make the most flexible tool that each company can customize for itself.

New functions appeared that were missing in the UPP

* Warehouse management – ​​targeted storage of goods is supported. The system implements a fairly powerful WMS module

* More advanced order scheme for warehouse operation

* Planning transport for delivery of goods from the supplier and to customers

* Assortment management functionality for network companies

* Report panels (the so-called “Target Indicators Monitor”) – allows you to implement management using the “Balanced Scorecard” method

* And a few more points.

In general, in terms of the total number of functions and functional blocks, ERP is already significantly superior to SPP.

Prospects for ERP development and support

1C:ERP functionality is developing at a rapid pace. 1C tries to release significant updates and additions to functionality every quarter. Corrective releases, which fix bugs and shortcomings, are released almost with the same frequency with which Microsoft releases similar updates for Windows. For ERP they are published once every 2-3 weeks.

In the future, there is no reason for the emergence of another product that will replace ERP - technologically, ERP fully complies with all the principles that the development of information technology has reached at the moment. Nothing revolutionary is expected on this front.

Some customers are afraid that 1C will release something new instead of ERP in order to make money on the update. In fact, it is easier and more profitable for 1C to receive a subscription fee for releasing updates and technical support for ERP. For large companies, an expanded range of corporate support and support services has recently been introduced for this purpose.

At the time of preparation of this article (August 2015), the 1C company has not yet announced when the UPP will be removed from support. A good tradition of the 1C company, which they promise to observe this time too, is a very early announcement of upcoming changes. Because The UPP cannot be automatically updated on ERP, then 1C promises to warn about the removal of the UPP from support 3 years before this happens. Those. At least until the end of 2018, the necessary updates for the submission of regulated reporting are expected to be released for the SPP.

At the same time, functional AMR has not developed for quite some time. If any new functions appear in UPP, it is mainly only in order to promote other services offered by 1C to the market. Thus, UPP now has integration functions with 1C: Document Flow and the ability to exchange electronic invoices.

How to choose between SCP and ERP?

The choice between SCP and ERP has to be made in two cases:

1. When the current information system (and this is not the SPP) definitely needs to be changed, or it is the SPP that is very dissatisfied and needs to be re-implemented.

2.When the current system is the SCP system or an industry solution based on it, and it more or less copes with its tasks.

In the first case, I would highly recommend implementing ERP. The main reason for this recommendation is the overwhelming functional advantage of ERP over SCP, which will gradually only grow. In my practice, I have never encountered a company for which a standard SCP configuration would be more suitable than an ERP. It is necessary, however, to make a reservation.

Currently, there are many industry solutions for SCP, which are functional add-ons that better implement the requirements of a certain area. For ERP, some similar add-ons also exist, but here the choice is much smaller. If there is a good standard solution based on SCP for your industry, it is more difficult to give recommendations on what is preferable for implementation. On the one hand, ERP, even without taking into account industry specifics, will have more useful functions and they will be more methodically verified. The implementation of a number of similar functions in the SCP may be practically impossible, because It was for their implementation that ERP was written entirely from scratch. On the other hand, ERP may lack very important and useful industry-specific features. In most cases, they are technically simple to implement in ERP, especially if you have an industry-specific SCP solution at hand as a sample, but nevertheless, transferring this functionality to ERP can be labor-intensive and quite expensive.

Ultimately, if there is an industry solution, I would recommend using two different specialists who are familiar with the industry solution and with ERP, so that they, in a discussion of people who deeply understand the relevant systems, can come to a conclusion which of the two systems is appropriate to implement. But if ERP can be implemented without extensive modifications, then it still has a very important advantage - the ability to easily expand the functionality of the system when new updates from 1C are released.

In the case where the business is satisfied with the current solution, I don’t see the point of switching to ERP. Here we can quote the saying “The best is the enemy of the good.” Is ERP better than SCP? Undoubtedly. But as mentioned above, it is too different. Therefore, when switching from SCP to ERP, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction like “we liked it the way it was before, do it as it was.” There is also a small risk that the enterprise falls into that small group of companies for which SCP is truly more suitable. The reasons may be the following:

1. The SCP was well implemented and perfectly tailored to the customer's needs.

2. Very complex rules and bases for distribution of production costs are used. In ERP it is planned to implement flexibility at the SCP level, but the standard ERP functionality is a little less flexible (they tried to make it simpler).

3. Accounting and management accounting are fundamentally different. ERP has convenient mechanisms for maintaining such differences when reflecting facts in accounting and management accounting in different periods. But from a production cost accounting perspective, ERP does not allow for the flexibility that SCP does in some cases.

It is worth noting that regarding points 2 and 3, 1C developers have already announced that they are planning to develop ERP functionality in this direction. However, at the current moment (end of 2015), these arguments still play in favor of SCP.

Last remark

It should be noted that all the above arguments are typical for the vast majority of companies. However, for a specific business, the benefits of each solution (SCP and ERP) may not be obvious. Especially when the company's employees do not have in-depth knowledge of these products.

There are much more specialists with deep knowledge of SCP on the market than specialists with knowledge of ERP. UPP appeared on the market 10 years earlier, everyone had already learned it, besides, it is less functional and more focused on the type of thinking of “techies”. However, if you have any doubts about your choice, I recommend contacting consultants who are fluent in ERP. It is dangerous to contact specialists who only know SCP for the following reason - perhaps they simply do not want to strain and study a new product, because... It has a lot of functionality and it takes a long time to study it in detail. ERP consultants, in most cases, have previously had experience in implementing different blocks of ERP and have a better understanding of the comparative capabilities of both products.

Oleg DEMIDENKO, Coderline company

[email protected]

(10 years of experience working with 1C products, Specialist consultant on individual SPP and ERP modules),

August 2015

The 1C company informed users and partners that from April 30, 2018, supplies of 1C:UPP and 1C:UPP OR are removed from the price list of the 1C company and its regular partners.

The 1C company takes into account that a number of users may need to further purchase these software products, for example, there is a need to increase the number of enterprises of the same group, which were typically previously automated on 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR. For such cases, the sale of 1C:UPP and 1C:UPP OR solutions, starting from 05/01/2018, will be carried out only through partners with the status “1C: Competence Center for ERP Solutions” (for a list of partners, see ckerp) upon applications in the prescribed form with the motivation for the need to purchase 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR. When selling in such cases, the partner must notify the user that the 1C:UPP and 1C:UPP OR solutions do not fully comply with modern requirements: critical errors are corrected, updates are released, consultations are provided, but the product does not develop and does not use the new capabilities of the 1C platform :Enterprise 8.3" and does not support many new services from 1C.


You can switch from 1C:UPP to 1C:ERP solutions on an upgrade basis. The user can upgrade from 1C:UPP to both the standard 1C:ERP solution and 1C:ERP OR, which takes into account the industry specifics of the user’s activities. The list of 1C:ERP OR solutions is given in Appendix No. 2.

The cost of the upgrade is calculated using the standard formula: the total cost of the purchased software products (the main supply plus the 1C:Enterprise 8 licenses) minus the cost of the product to be handed over for the upgrade plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products. Upgrades to products that include the "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" configuration are carried out only through partners participating in the project "1C: Competence Center for ERP Solutions", see the list of partners at Within 45 calendar days after shipment of the software product under the terms of an upgrade, the partner must transfer to the 1C company or the distributor that made the shipment the license agreement for the product being delivered and the security key for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, if it was part of the product being delivered . Upon receipt of the 1C:ERP kit or 1C:ERP OR kit, the user will receive protection keys for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, which will also allow them to continue working with 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR. After completing an upgrade, users of software-protected products that have been upgraded are required to delete the license file of the upgraded product from their computer. The materials remaining in the organization from the 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR kit - protection keys for 1C:UPP OR configurations, distribution kits and documentation - should be used only to support old tasks until the transition to 1C:ERP or 1C:ERP OR, without transfer other organizations and individuals, as indicated in the upgrade application signed by the user.

Support for old tasks means the ability to keep records using 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR that were upgraded, and receive support only until the end of the current year in which the upgrade took place, with the possibility of submitting annual reports. To operate 1C:UPP (1C:UPP OR), which has been upgraded, you can use “1C:Enterprise 8” licenses – purchased previously, purchased together with 1C:ERP (1C:ERP OR) – or purchase the required number of licenses additionally. At the end of the current year, the user has the right to access the databases of these products (one or more) only for the purpose of viewing previous archived data; entering new transactions is not allowed.

If the user, when switching from 1C:UPP to 1C:ERP solutions, plans on long-term use of the 1C:UPP or 1C:UPP OR software product with the ability to keep records in them and enter new operations in programs, then it is recommended to purchase 1C:ERP or 1C:ERP OR without an upgrade or purchase 1C:ERP as part of the complex delivery "1C:Corporation" ( with an upgrade from 1C:UPP (in this case, an extended support period is established, as well as an additional period of use for the delivered for the upgrade of products and delivery of components for the upgrade - until the end of the current year at the time of the upgrade plus one year with the possibility of submitting annual reports).

Users who have upgraded from 1C:UPP version 1.3 can, using the transition assistant included in the 1C:ERP delivery, transfer regulatory and reference information and initial balances to the new information base. Salary data can be carried forward by movements for the last three years. For automatically created directory elements, you must specify the missing details. Instructions for data transfer are included in the delivery of the 1C:ERP solution. In version 1C:ERP 2.4.4 (planned release date - April 2018), further development of data exchange mechanisms will be implemented, including the transfer of some documents from 1C:UPP to 1C:ERP ("smooth transition" mode from 1C:UPP to 1C: ERP).

Users of the 1C:ERP product have access to detailed documentation on this solution in electronic form on the website


Support for 1C:UPP and 1C:UPP OR is currently ongoing. The decision to end their support is planned to be communicated to users and partners in advance - no less than 3 years before such a decision comes into force. Identified critical errors in programs are corrected, configuration updates are released, including in the “Payroll” and “Human Resources Management” subsystems, and consultations are provided to users if they comply with the terms of support. At the same time, the cost of support for 1C:UPP is gradually increasing, and support for 1C:UPP OR solutions is carried out only after activation of the 1C:ITS Industry service for the solutions used (for more information about the 1C:ITS Industry service, see https://portal

By information letter for users and partners No. 22944 dated April 27, 2017, 1C announced a change in the conditions for maintaining the 1C:UPP solution. To provide support for 1C:UPP users, in addition to 1C:ITS, a new service was introduced - “Extension of support for UPP”. From 01/01/2018, activation of this service became a mandatory condition for supporting users of the 1C:UPP configuration, and to support users of 1C:UPP OR configurations, activation of the 1C:ITS Industry service became mandatory.

From 01/01/2018, partners have the right to provide consulting and other services to users of 1C:UPP and 1C:UPP OR, as well as update the configuration only if there are active services "Extension of support for USP" (for 1C:UPP) or "1C:ITS Industry" (for 1C:UPP OR) – or if the rules of the “Transition period” apply to users.

More information about support for 1C:UPP - in information letters No. 22944 dated 04/27/2017 and No. 23229 dated 07/07/2017), about support for 1C:UPP OR -
