Ways to communicate with customers. How to start a conversation with a buyer? Examples of topics for dialogue. Standards of communication with the client

In the event business, as in any other service industry, customer satisfaction plays a key role. At the same time, his opinion will be based not only on how the event itself went - the negotiation process itself is of great importance, as well as your ability to resolve conflicts and make a positive impression. What to do if the client turns out to be difficult?

Several types of “difficult” clients:

  • "Know-it-alls." They are confident that they have an excellent understanding of any issues and are able to do the job better than you, but the reason why they don’t do this is lack of time.
  • "Whiners." People of this type are rarely happy with anything and tend to get upset over every little thing.
  • "Polite pests." Extremely polite, obsessively courteous, but at the same time overly meticulous to every detail.
  • "Fickle natures." There are only a few hours left before the event, and suddenly the customer decides to make further changes to the program. The event team is rushing around in a panic, but what can you do? The customer is always right!
  • "Upstarts." Such people are used to being the best and keeping the situation under control. They will not leave you alone, monitoring and commenting on your every move.
  • "Stingy guys." Some clients are firmly convinced that services do not provide any value and are not willing to pay for “air”. Having seen the cost of the project, they immediately begin to reduce the price, and in the future, at every opportunity, they ask for an additional discount.
  • "Fighters". Temperamental, emotional people who live by the principle “Life is an eternal struggle.” Their aggressiveness and desire to stand up for their interests turns the negotiation process into a heated battle. And do not be under the illusion that such qualities are characteristic only of men - practice shows that the number of “fighters” among women is no less.

Of course, there are other types - here are the most typical ones. Negotiations with such customers present great difficulty for event managers.

But not everything is so bad: 10 rules will help you learn to manage the situation.

Learn to say no

Usually, already at the first meeting it is clear what the client is like (and only a “polite annoying person” can seem pleasant at first, and only then show his true colors). If you are sure that you will not get along with the customer under any circumstances, simply refuse to cooperate. You can refer to a lack of resources or busyness (“Unfortunately, we have everything booked two months in advance”). And then let fate decide. Perhaps a problematic client will turn to your competitors, and it’s not you who will have to suffer with him, but they.

Listen carefully and record agreements

At the first meeting, extract from the customer all the necessary information. If the client is silent, ask more leading questions. Then retell everything you heard, and during the discussion, record the changes. If your conversation is recorded or recorded on a voice recorder, even better. This way, you will avoid misunderstandings if something goes wrong.

Unfortunately, this method may not help if the client is a “changeable nature” and likes to make changes at the very last moment.

Set rules of communication

Don't let the client sit on your neck. It is advisable to include all the details in the contract - this will be much more reliable. For example, the following points are subject to strict regulations:

  • no calls after 18.00 and on weekends;
  • signing the acceptance certificate at all stages of service provision;
  • If the agreement is signed, its terms can be violated only in the presence of force majeure circumstances (natural acts, martial law).

Each of you will add important details to the list, and the client will have to decide whether he is ready to play by the established rules. Of all types of clients, this approach will appeal to the “fighters” - with your specificity, you will most likely earn their respect.

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Exceed Expectations

The ability to listen to the customer will help you understand his nature. Gradually, during communication, you will adapt to the client and know what to expect from him. For example, “upstarts” like to control every stage of preparation. Especially for them, install a special application that will display the dynamics of preparation, add the customer there and track progress together. Such transparency will appeal to the most demanding client.

Provide a detailed estimate

Some customers constantly pester you asking for a discount. As a result, in order not to lose the order, you are left with practically no profit. Instead of following the lead of the cheapskates, simply explain what the total cost of the project consists of, how much certain event services currently cost on the market, and how highly valued the work of the organizers is.

Have a few extras in stock

In order to appease a demanding client, add several free services to the estimate. At the same time, they will not cost you anything, since the services were included in the standard package by default, and you simply did not mention them in the original list. The customer will definitely appreciate the pleasant bonuses.

Change the topic if the discussion reaches a dead end

The ability to change the topic of conversation in a timely manner will help avoid scandalous proceedings. If the client is fixated on a certain issue and you have a different opinion on this issue, honestly admit that you made every effort to solve the problem and smoothly move on to discussing the results achieved. By talking about victories and positive stages of preparation, you will distract the attention of your interlocutor and take the conversation into a peaceful direction.

Stay patient...

Being patient when a client drives you crazy with their demands is not an easy task, but it can be done. Your constant politeness and friendliness will baffle even aggressive customers. Gradually their hearts will melt, and you will be able to use the art of manipulation. It is especially interesting to observe how “polite annoying people” react to such behavior - they simply have no idea that someone can be more polite than themselves.

...but be firm

Make concessions, but do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Don’t let the desire to please the client end up playing a cruel joke on you and you lose your profit. Value yourself and your work, and the customer will begin to treat you with due respect. Strength of character is a commendable feeling.

Explain why their ideas won't work.

Some clients, not being professionals in the event industry, have their own opinion about the concept of the event and firmly believe in it. If their ideas are absurd, explain the consequences of their implementation and offer your vision of the project. In some particularly difficult cases, convincing arguments turn out to be a waste of time, and the customer continues to stand his ground. In this case, there are only two options: do everything in your power to realize the author’s idea, or simply refuse the order.

Every day, sales managers have to talk to dozens of different people. But what about those who are not only afraid to sell, but also don’t know how to start a conversation with a client if he doesn’t show initiative?

How to break through yourself: starting a conversation with a client

So, in this article we discuss the topic “how to start a conversation with a buyer in a store or office.” To begin with, let’s divide all visitors to the outlet into 2 large groups:

  1. people open to dialogue;
  2. clients who do not want to communicate.

If you are afraid of rejection, negative reactions or judgment, start a dialogue with people who are initially open to communication.

Whatever the newcomers say, they prove in practice - 80% of all visitors to retail stores are ready to communicate, and they express their readiness not with words, but (attention!) non-verbally: with an open posture, a smile, eye movements, etc.

The first phrase as the beginning of a conversation with the buyer

Conversation about the seller

This topic can also be used as a conversation starter with a client, but its effectiveness in sales is much lower. Clients, like all people, subconsciously prefer to be in the spotlight, talk about personal interests, and sometimes plans. Some sellers find this path interesting, but it is only suitable for establishing contact, but not for building further successful dialogue.

You learned how to start a dialogue with a client and what to talk to him about. Whatever method you use, keep in mind the main goal - to interest the client, get him to answer questions and talk about his needs.

Communication with customers. Communication is a process through which relationships between people are realized, and an important component that makes up almost the entire human life. But communication is not just a conversation between people, but a whole communication system consisting of communicative parties, their mutual influence, ethics, communication techniques, and other components. In everyday life with close people, a person does not think so much about what intonation he has, the tone of his voice, and how high-quality information he conveys. But when the communication process is closely related to work and directly depends on it, then a person must master certain techniques for communicating with clients, methods of conveying information, and be guided by certain rules and ethics.

A person dealing with consumers must make communication a way to achieve a goal. Professional communication and communication skills always have a final positive result for the seller and the client who has satisfied his needs and purchased the service. Achieving mutual understanding, eliminating disagreements, attracting a person as a regular consumer - these are the main goals of communication with clients of a company that tries to preserve its reputation.

Psychology of communication with clients

Representatives of a company that provides some type of service are interested in attracting an increasing number of clients. Therefore, direct communication is a tool for their earnings. In order to successfully and quickly sell a product or service, the seller must have special communication skills, have a good understanding of what he wants and be able to competently draw up a negotiation plan, this will ensure effective sales communication with clients.

A salesperson who knows his business and has the skills to communicate with customers, before offering his services, thinks about what would actually interest him. That is, he puts himself in the buyer’s shoes. He also tries to understand how the client sees him, so he has to practice in front of the mirror to know what flaws he has and correct them. The seller understands that he must control all his movements and words. Because the slightest wrong movement, inappropriate gesture or manifestation of dissatisfaction can be interpreted by the buyer as a signal of something bad and unreliable, and frightened, he will leave, and the seller will be left without profit.

Techniques for communicating with clients. The meeting and the first impression matter most. It depends on him whether a person will agree to the services offered and cooperate with this company. To do this, first of all you need to create all the conditions for comfort. If he himself came to the company’s office, then this office should be pleasant, so that he would like to be in it. If it’s in a store, then amenities should be provided; if it’s on the street, then a company representative should offer to find a comfortable place to talk. A potential client should feel that they are looked after and respected, then he himself will open up to a meeting and show trust.

If we look at the first impression process in more detail, we can highlight some features that should be paid attention to, since it is they, through the representative, who form the image of the company in the eyes of the client.

Appearance plays a very important role, as you know, “one meets people by their clothes...”. If a representative of a reputable company is dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, and at the same time talking about business matters, he will not be taken seriously. If a company is reputable, or wants to become so, its employees should look appropriate, which means, in a business dress code, neat and clean. When a person communicates with such a neat interlocutor, he himself wants to become like that, and this is where the client’s compassion begins.

When meeting, you need to look your interlocutor straight in the eyes, without insistence, but with attention, so that he feels interested in himself. People often believe that by whether a person looks you in the eyes, you can easily understand whether he is lying, so, if you stick to this narrow-minded thought, then you need to look into the client’s eyes and answer all his questions directly in the eyes, trying not to slip your gaze to the side. The main thing is that the look is calm, open and confident.

A handshake is a special way of connecting two people even though they haven't talked about anything yet. When meeting, you need to be the first to shake hands with the person, and say hello not too firmly, and not too softly, but confidently and energetically. Already from the moment of such a handshake, the client can, having perceived the flows of energy, also become more positive.

From the moment the conversation begins, you need to be the first to introduce yourself, and ask what the client’s name is, and if possible, but not too often, call the client by name. When people hear their name in communication, their egocentricity mechanism turns on, the person thinks that he is treated with respect and understanding.

The agent must ensure that he is physically almost on the same level with the client, and is quite a bit taller than him. Therefore, for example, in an office, an agent can adjust the height of the chair to be slightly taller. These features are important because, being on an equal footing, the client feels that the agent is the same person as him, but if he is a little higher, he already has more influence. The agent must also ensure that a distance is maintained between him and the person, which leaves the person his personal space; it is approximately 1 m.

During the conversation, the employee must show interest in the interlocutor, ask about his wishes and be polite, say polite phrases (“please”, “thank you”, “you’re welcome”).

The main thing is not to overdo it with politeness; too many pleasantries can also negatively affect the consumer’s reaction. He may think that he is being flattered and will perceive it as a trap, he will think that they want to deceive and lure him, in which case the situation cannot be corrected and he cannot be returned. Therefore, it is better to concentrate not on the client’s personality, but on the advantages of the company, its advantages. And behave openly and kindly with the client. It is very important not to cross the line of obsession. All proposals put forward by the agent should sound easy and relaxed; you cannot immediately put pressure on the person or demand an immediate decision from him. We need to give him time to think about the proposal. You also need to instill in the client the belief that he is unique in that he is a very desirable client and the fate of the company depends on him. Then the person succumbs to such manipulation and purchases products or services.

If a manager knows the basics of psychology in communicating with clients, then he will significantly improve communication with consumers and achieve greater sales profits.

Rules for communication with clients

In the process of communicating with a client, the agent manager must be guided by rules that contribute to an effective result.

The manager’s communication with the client should be focused on the client’s personality. To do this, the manager needs to actively listen, listen to all the requirements and wishes. Tell everything the client wants to hear about the quality of goods or services, answer all his questions, ask about personal preferences. Do not insist on purchasing the product right away, give time to collect your thoughts. The seller can only push towards a positive decision, but without intrusiveness. The voice should be energetic, but not hysterical, speaking neither fast nor slow.

You also need to adapt to the person’s slang, not speak in abstruse words, so that he does not worry about his own incompetence. If you cannot do without some scientific specific concepts or definitions, you need to explain them so that there are no misunderstandings. The main thing is to list all the positive qualities that the product has and not waste precious time explaining different terms if the person himself does not want it.

The manager's communication with the client must be of a business nature, at least within the framework of a business relationship, so that the value of the product is respected. You need to be serious about all matters related to goods. But you don’t need to pretend to be too much of a business person, talking on the phone all the time in the presence of a client, or being distracted by other things when he is nearby and waiting. You must always come to meetings on time and answer messages and calls. Only with a respectful attitude can you see the same attitude in return. This is especially important for the seller representing the company.

An agent must always be impeccable in all his or her character. When it comes to work, he must always look presentable, maintain his posture, speak beautifully, captivate with his manners, and be so confident in himself that customers associate this employee with the product being offered, which is accordingly equally impeccable.

Following his ideal image at the first meeting, the seller should remain the same further and in his future behavior should be no less polite, especially when it comes to long-term relationships. If the buyer has any questions, the seller should always be ready to answer them. If there are changes to the terms of the contract, the client must be notified immediately.

The rule that the client is always right is not a standard, so you can deviate from it. When a person is a professional manipulator and acts in pursuit of personal goals, demanding, for example, a refund for services, saying that they are of poor quality, but he himself has used them for a long time. This kind of client is a danger to the company and can damage its reputation, so it is necessary, if possible, to eliminate all contact with him.

The success of the company will be determined by the correct communication with customers. If all the rules are followed, then cooperation is guaranteed, attracting new clients through existing ones and thereby increasing the company’s reputation.

Ethics of communication with clients

Every person is pleased when they are treated respectfully and correctly in a conversation. Even in communication between close people there should be courtesy.

Standards of communication with customers are the postulates by which a company providing goods and services achieves success in its activities. If a company has a well-coordinated team of qualified specialists, polite in communication and customer-oriented, then such a company is capable of achieving great success.

No matter what you do, if you need to communicate with clients, you should always maintain a professional attitude and demeanor. This applies not only to what you say, but also to how you speak and behave. Talking to a customer without the proper tact and professional courtesy could result in your company losing the deal. Learning the rules of negotiation and how to deal with difficult clients will enhance your professional relationships and further career growth.


Part 1

Effective communication with the client

    Understand the client's needs. You can find out what the customer wants by understanding their final vision as well as their story. You need to have a clear understanding of how the current project or deal fits into your client's goals and personality. This will give you a better idea of ​​how important this issue is to your business partner.

    • Ask the right questions to understand what the customer wants. Be as specific as possible, and ask for precise and clear explanations in response.
    • For example, as an investment advisor, you might ask a client, “Are you willing to lose 10% of your investment to gain 20%?”, “How do you feel about losses?” or “Thinking about your investments keeps you up at night?”
    • A lawyer may ask questions such as: “What is your ideal outcome in a trial?” or “How aggressively do you want to get your point across?”
  1. Be a good listener. Listening skills are essential in any business partnership. Take the time to really listen to the client. If you don't understand the importance of some aspect to your partner, then most likely you are not listening carefully or asking the wrong questions. Ask more specific questions and listen to what the client has to say.

    • Don't interrupt. Use neutral expressions to encourage the client to say more, such as “go ahead,” “I see,” “Yes, I understand.”
    • Maintain eye contact and take notes whenever possible.
    • Nod your head and/or smile (if appropriate) to show that you are listening. Follow the thread of the conversation; Smiling while a client talks about losing money won't score you any points.
    • Rephrase what the client said in order to ask follow-up questions. For example, if a client says they are unhappy with their current returns, you might say, "I understand your frustration. What kind of returns do you expect from your investment?"
  2. Set the record straight. Clarity is a vital component of your relationship with your customer. The client should always be provided with enough information to enable them to make informed decisions. If there is no clarity between you, then your partner will not be able to make the right decision and this will end in a loss of trust in you.

    • To do this, you need to use language that your client will understand. If the customer is not familiar with the technical jargon, rephrase everything so that he understands.
    • You need to clearly communicate your actions at each given stage, why you are doing it and what results you expect from it. If the client does not understand the rationale for how your proposals will help him, then your ideas will be rejected or supported with great reluctance.
    • Even minor changes, such as delegating minor authority to your subordinate or colleague, can upset the client if he was not warned about it. Just tell the reserve in advance what you are doing and why.
  3. Document all interactions with the client. Keeping a record of interactions with the customer is a very useful practice. This will help you if you need to provide your superiors with a report on the time you spent on a client. It is also helpful to keep clear and professional documentation in case the reserve asks for evidence regarding any of your business meetings.

    • All interactions with the client should be documented, including face-to-face meetings, phone calls, answering machine messages, text messages, and emails.
    • Write down the client's name, the date (time, if possible), the gist of the interaction, how long you communicated, and the details of what each party said.
    • It is also helpful to send a confirmation letter with your understanding of the agreements reached during communication, the time frame and the final product. This is another way to make sure that you and your client are talking about the same thing.

    Part 2

    Interaction with clients
    1. Be professional all the time. No matter how you interact with a client, you must remain professional in all respects. This includes how you conduct conversations, what you say, and how you behave with the customer.

      • Don't be too familiar. Remember that you are communicating with a business partner, not a friend - do not use obscene language, do not make inappropriate jokes, do not use emojis in text correspondence with a client.
      • Always double-check your grammar and spelling. Errors that are too obvious can confuse the recipient and look unprofessional.
      • Ask about the client's personal life only if he himself has shared some information. Don't interfere in other people's affairs and don't be too familiar. Balance can be found through trial and error.
      • Use polite and appropriate phrases, such as: "Nice to see you. How was your weekend?"
      • Avoid divisive or inappropriate topics such as politics, religion, social issues and romance.
    2. Be proactive. Failure to be proactive can frustrate the client and ultimately destroy your professional relationship. Always try to be the first to start correspondence, especially if there is some news that your customer will definitely want to know about.

      • Don't wait for a client to call you with news that directly affects their business. You must inform him about this yourself, and then he will appreciate you. Constantly scan your news feeds for valuable information.
        • However, do not spread rumors unless it affects the value of your client's assets. Check your source before contacting the client.
      • You should have your own opinion about the events you report to your client. It must be clear and unwavering.
      • For example, if a client is unsure which stock market to invest in, you might say, “Based on your desired level of return and risk limitation, I believe you should consider ______ because ______.”
      • Or, if you are a doctor, you should contact a patient when their test results are ready or you learn about a new treatment for their condition.
    3. Respect the client's time. While you need to keep in touch with your business partners regularly, you don't want to take up too much of their time. In general, unless the client requires more time or there is a need for greater attention to the situation due to increased pressure on the client, most phone calls should last no more than 10-15 minutes.

      • Don't call clients for idle chat. They're just as busy as you are, so keep your interactions professional unless you're keeping in touch outside of work.
    4. Ask clients for their ideas and opinions. Every time you discuss a new business, ask your partners what they think about the information you shared. You should speak your mind about what you discuss with clients. Find out what they think about the information provided to see how your views align.

      • Acknowledge and respect the client's opinion. Even if you don't agree with him, say "Yes, I understand what you mean."
      • If you are confident that the client is making a mistake or that it will cause a major mistake or loss of significant money, do not be afraid to say so.
      • Don't tell a client they're wrong just to make them defensive. Instead, ask questions like, “Have you considered ______?” or “What if ______ happens?”
      • Or, for example, a lawyer may ask whether the client understands the measures being taken and agrees with the chosen tactics.
    5. Pay attention to body language. Body language can reveal many emotions, whether you realize it or not. This can be to your advantage as you can read the client's body language, but your own gestures can also give away your intentions.

      Be mindful of your tone and demeanor. Just like body language, they reveal unspoken feelings. Pay attention to the tone of your speech and how the client might perceive it, so that you can adjust your voice or expressions according to the situation.

Service in different service sectors requires special approaches to clients. There are both general rules of official communication and specialized techniques of business communication. As practice shows, following recommendations from psychologists and marketers in this area helps to increase the efficiency of an organization, as well as create a positive image for it in the market for providing certain services. At the same time, the rules of communication with clients also provide for compliance with basic standards of behavior, which are determined by ethical considerations and general ideas about morality.

How to establish communication with a client?

In the very first seconds of the conversation, you should let the interlocutor know how his time will be spent. It is advisable to omit unimportant phrases, even if they are planned to be used as a means of winning over a potential client. Politeness is important, but overuse of politeness can create a negative impression. Standard interactions with clients also exclude attempts to get a quick response from the client agreeing to anything. You need to be understanding of his right to refuse and also respond adequately without changing. Even if a particular client is lost forever, a negative impression of the company will remain and may affect the image in the future.

The beginning of the dialogue should be as informative and comfortable as possible. It is advisable to briefly but clearly talk about the purpose of the conversation, the intentions on the part of the employee and explain exactly how this contact can be useful. An individual approach also matters. For example, the rules of communication with a manicurist’s client provide for the initial construction of a confidential dialogue. Specialists in this field work directly with the human body, so a touch of sincerity in this case is indispensable. The so-called ones, for example, should not be used.

General principles of business dialogue

After the introduction and the first introductory information, the employee is given no less responsibility. Even if the client has directly expressed his interest, you should not relax. Communication should be built in the style of a friendly conversation, but without serious deviations on topics not related to the company’s offer. At the same time, you should not overload the client with an excessive amount of data. If you have to discuss a wide list of issues in one conversation, you need to initially systematize them, as required by the basic rules. Communication with the client must be initially thought out and prepared. It is recommended to prepare lists of questions in advance or at least keep them in mind, discussing them in doses during the conversation. But it’s also not worth asking them in a continuous stream. After each question, you can take short pauses, include correct jokes, or shift attention to less complex aspects of the topic being discussed. The client should feel comfortable, but at the same time not fall out of participation in the discussion.

The role of emotions in the communication process

There are different points of view on how and whether a manager should show emotion. The cold calling technique has already been mentioned, the very idea of ​​which is based on the complete exclusion of this aspect. In other words, the employee is required to inform the client dryly, correctly and relatively quickly and, if necessary, obtain the necessary information from him. But such calls do not at all exclude formal compliance with the rules of communication with phrases of gratitude, apology and appropriate farewell.

But the same rules of communication in a beauty salon with clients exclude such a technique. And not only because of the need to build trusting relationships, albeit on a business basis. Long-term relationships with business partners and clients are more fruitful if employees demonstrate their human qualities. Open and sincere expression of emotions is attractive and puts people in a more positive mood. Another thing is that such manifestations must be controlled and not conflict with the interests of the company providing its services to the client.

Features of dialogue on the phone

The specifics of telephone conversations also require their own characteristics. When starting a conversation, it is not recommended to use phrases like “You're worried about...” or “You're worried about...”. Although they are outwardly harmless, they initially create a negative stylistic connotation, which should be avoided. Next, you need to introduce yourself from the company and get straight to the point. When making incoming calls, the rules for communicating with clients on the phone also do not recommend picking up the phone after the first signal. An immediate response may mean that the manager is either impatiently awaiting this call or is inactive. Even if in reality everything is different, it is advisable to give the client the opposite impression of being busy, that is, answer after the second call. In the future, the course of the dialogue should be built with an emphasis on correct intonation. As experts note, tone and manner in a telephone conversation are sometimes more important than its content.

Rules for communicating with older clients

This is a special category of people, which also requires a special approach. A peculiarity of an elderly person from the point of view of participation in a business dialogue is a violation of attention and concentration. That is, the manager will need to show more patience. But there are also positive aspects. In particular, in such dialogues the percentage of conflict-generating phrases is minimal, which guarantees comfort for the employee himself. One way or another, the memo on the rules of communication with older clients recommends more thoroughly forming a trusting contact with the person and thoroughly explaining to him the nuances of the offer. It is advisable to minimize manifestations of insincere emotions. Although they may seem truthful from the outside, it is older people who often reveal them, which becomes a barrier to further interaction.

The nuances of communicating by email

Electronic correspondence as such greatly simplifies the manager’s tasks. Of course, a lot depends on the format and conditions in which the dialogue is conducted, but the absence of the need to hold the client’s attention and stir up his interest in this case makes it easier. However, the text itself should be as informative and useful as possible and at the same time not too dry. For example, the rules for communicating with clients via email indicate the need for a short summary part in the letter. That is, at the very end there should be a reminder of what step or decision is expected from the addressee.

What can and cannot be said?

Experienced managers, almost at the level of reflexes, exclude from the process of communication with clients undesirable manifestations in manners, speech style and statements. In particular, the rules and standards for communication between staff and clients strictly prohibit criticizing their actions under any pretext. On the contrary, employees need to demonstrate an extremely positive attitude, and problematic nuances and situations are resolved by a senior manager or supervisor.

Also, in communication with the client, a lack of indifference is encouraged. This can be expressed, for example, in efforts to anticipate his desires or plans. That is, the employee offers in advance suitable services that have not yet been discussed, but they may well follow. In this context, the rules of communication with a manicurist’s client can be expressed in the provision of an expanded range of services that will organically complement the existing list of the completed offer. So, along with a traditional manicure, a visitor may need a SPA session. Clients are more willing to agree to additional services when the proposals come from an employee.

How to end a dialogue correctly?

As noted, it is advisable to end conversations with a brief reminder of what decision will be expected from the client. In this sense, the rules of communication with clients in a hotel, for example, require the manager to remind the client about the location of the establishment, opening hours and reception times. But in any case, the potential client should be left with a favorable impression. This concerns not so much his interest as the emotional aftertaste, which should be positive.


In recent years, experts have noted a trend towards simplifying communication standards in business. The fact is that strict rules for communicating with clients complicate the conversation process, and often make it stereotyped and repulsive. Therefore, the emphasis is increasingly placed on more open, sincere and, again, emotional dialogues, which make it possible to reduce the distance between the company representative and the client. Another thing is that this style of behavior requires considerable experience, and brings good results only in certain areas of service.
