We invite you to cooperation and interaction. Proposal for cooperation in a letter. Sample letter of cooperation. sample letter of proposal for cooperation

From this article you will learn:

  • How to write a proposal for cooperation correctly so that they cannot say “no”
  • What mistakes should you avoid?

Many businessmen and even managers of large companies have a problem with writing a proposal for cooperation correctly. Either they have no idea how to take on this task, or they make serious mistakes and then get upset when the partnership doesn't work out. The time has come to figure out how to competently and effectively write a proposal for cooperation to a blogger, media person, etc., what are the rules for composing such texts, and how to successfully present yourself and your company.

How to write a proposal for cooperation correctly

Who offers cooperation and to whom?

The need to write a proposal for cooperation usually arises among employees involved in developing the company's business. The texts of such letters are approved by the immediate supervisor or top manager of the company.
It is necessary to find out in advance who will receive your offer: an ordinary employee, a secretary, a manager, a department head. Each of them requires its own approach.
The letter can be addressed personally to the director of the enterprise with which cooperation is planned, or to the head of one of the areas, the head of a structural unit, or even a highly specialized specialist. The decision to initiate interaction will still be made by the company’s management.
Many people underestimate the importance of a commercial proposal (CP) and do not understand why it is needed at all. You should understand the functions of the CP and the methods of its preparation.

Structure of a cooperation proposal:

  • Title. Surely your recipient is an extremely busy person, and he may limit himself to reading only the subject of the letter in order to understand whether he is interested in it or not. Precisely formulate the topic: it should encourage reading the entire message (and not call for the purchase of a product, for example). You can prepare several emails with different headers and test them to choose the most effective option.
  • Problem. Experts in the field of copywriting and corporate communications recommend: if you want to write a high-quality, “catchy” commercial or cooperation proposal, raise issues that are relevant to the addressee at the very beginning of the text.
  • Solution options. By letting the recipient know that you are aware of his problems and understand their importance, you can offer your own solutions: for example, services that may be useful to the reader of the letter, or partnership on favorable terms.
  • Price. Some entrepreneurs, when drawing up a commercial or cooperation proposal, do not dare to indicate the exact prices for their products or services, fearing that this will scare off a potential client or partner. However, experts advise that you still indicate the cost, giving the recipient of the letter the opportunity to decide for themselves whether it is high for him or not. But it is important to justify these prices.
  • Call to action. It must be clear and unambiguous. What do you want to achieve by writing a proposal for cooperation or sending a proposal? Calling, visiting a website, placing an order in an online store, or mutual barter services? Formulate your wish and be sure to list the bonuses and benefits that the recipient will receive, such as a discount on a product on the day the letter is received, for example.
  • Contact details. Indicate not only your phone number, but also other communication channels: website address, groups on social networks, Skype, etc.
  • Date of. To prevent the recipient from getting confused in the messages (especially if the proposal is followed by corrected versions, additions, etc.), it is better to immediately indicate the date when the proposal was sent.
  • Signature. The full name and position of the author of the letter must be present in the text, and immediately after the introductory part. If you need to prepare and send a commercial or cooperation proposal in paper form, it is advisable to sign at the end.
  • Pagination. Long multi-page texts, including proposals for cooperation and commercial proposals, require numbering (format “page no.... from...”).
  • Decor. Paragraphs are drawn up with a red line. In emails, extra spacing between paragraphs is desirable because it makes it easier to read. Justification makes text look neater. When drawing up a proposal for cooperation or commercial proposal, give preference to standard fonts – Times New Roman, etc. The optimal font size is 12–14.

Writing and sending a proposal for cooperation is not all. Call the recipient and ask if the letter aroused interest. If not, then you will need to improve the text and design of the cooperation proposal. You can test the effectiveness of different letter options on regular clients, experts or personal acquaintances.

A few more tips on how to correctly write a proposal for cooperation:

  1. The text must be on company letterhead.
  2. Correctly address the company representative or person you are offering cooperation to.
  3. Thank the recipient in advance - this politeness requirement is very important for business correspondence.

Letterhead This is not at all necessary; you can write a proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of white paper. But a letterhead with a company logo is an advertising medium and an element of the company’s image.
Greetings– an important part of letters containing proposals for cooperation or the purchase of goods and services. Carefully compose the welcome part of the message. Some recipients need to be addressed by name and patronymic, namely:

Mood of the letter. A commercial proposal should exude confidence in the excellent quality of the product or service being described. Avoid cliches such as “Let me offer you...”, “We hope you will be interested in our proposal”, “We are looking forward to your response” - they make a repulsive impression. There is another extreme: phrases like “We are sure that you will like it!”, “We know for sure that...”, etc., sounding too arrogant and arrogant. Give the recipient the opportunity to form his own opinion about your offer.
Follow a positive style in letters from CP: use the particle “not” and negations as rarely as possible, replace them with affirmative phrases, use synonyms.

Attachments to the letter, coming at the very end, contain various additional information: technical descriptions, calculations, graphs, drawings, etc. You can attach several attachments to the letter, the main thing is not to overload the reader with information.
As for prices, it is better to draw up the financial terms of the offer according to the principle of a layer cake: first describe the benefits and benefits that the client will receive, then indicate the price, then again outline the advantages. For products that have multiple versions, it should be explained what causes the price difference.
Arguments. Of course, any potential partner to whom you wrote and sent a proposal for cooperation, or a possible consumer of your product will have doubts. Especially if your message is profitable to the point of implausibility. Prove that it is feasible and realistic, provide the necessary arguments (depending on the specifics of your product or service).
As arguments, they usually use mini-cases, portfolios of completed projects, customer reviews or their lists, recommendations, calculations, various evidence, certificates and guarantees, photo reports, “before and after” selections, exact product characteristics or a detailed description with all the necessary figures. company activities.
Relevance of the offer. All financial indicators, especially prices, are subject to change, so it is necessary to give the recipient a clear understanding of the timing of their relevance. Specify the duration of your offer.

Examples of how to write a commercial proposal for cooperation

How to write a proposal for cooperation on social networks

Most people who have to write proposals for collaboration are concerned about how to find the courage to approach a famous person or blogger (and how not to lose the motivation to continue writing such letters if the response is silence or refusal).
If you think about it, this is very strange: after all, the same people are not at all afraid to look for new ways to develop their business, to maintain pages for their project on social networks in an original and beautiful way, to look for employees and assemble a team. Moreover, many have enough courage for reckless driving, extreme sports, and even buying shawarma at the station. But for some reason the need to write a letter to a star with a proposal for cooperation is frightening.
The thing is that everyone hates to receive refusals. But they will be there anyway. True, you can learn to behave in such a way that there are fewer of them. But even a sharp refusal is:

  • also a result;
  • not a verdict: after all, only a hundred dollar bill can please everyone (and that’s not a fact, some prefer a thousand).

However, unfortunately, the authors of the letters themselves are to blame for 70% of refusals to proposals for cooperation. The strategy of persistently besieging a few selected bloggers and bombarding them with letters every day is a dead end. It is necessary to constantly search for new platforms for advertising, but it is important to choose the right recipients and contact them at the right moment, then the probability of refusal is lowest.

11 minutes to read. Views 40 Published 10/21/2018

At the initial stage of business development, company management needs to find reliable counterparties. For this purpose, letters with proposals for cooperation are sent to potential partners. These documents are one of the forms of a commercial offer. With the help of such forms, an entrepreneur can interest a future counterparty, convincing him to enter into a contract with this particular company. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to write a letter with a proposal for cooperation.

A commercial proposal is a business correspondence document that contains advertising information that may interest a potential client.

Are commercial proposals necessary in business?

A letter with an offer to conclude a contract on mutually beneficial terms allows young companies to find suppliers or partners for the further development of their business. As a rule, employees in charge of external document flow are responsible for drafting such letters. The contents of this form must be approved by the company management

. Much less often, the development of such papers is carried out by the general director himself.

Experts recommend using a personalized type of letter when drawing up commercial proposals. This means that the text of the letter indicates the name and surname of the head of the organization with which the company wishes to conclude a contract. Commercial proposals can be addressed either personally to the head of the company or to his deputy. It is important to note here that not all letters with this content are considered by the company’s administration. As practice shows, most businessmen who receive such letters refuse to consider them. In order to reduce the likelihood of receiving a refusal, it is necessary to send such a letter only after preliminary negotiations. During these events, a businessman needs to convince a potential counterparty to consider the idea of ​​cooperation. It is very important to prove that concluding a contract will provide two-way benefits

u. Only after this is it necessary to clarify the timing and method of sending a letter with a full description of the terms of cooperation.

Not every newcomer to the business world can convince representatives of Ford or MTS to sign a contract. It is much easier for well-promoted brands to convince their potential partners of the benefits of signing an agreement. From all of the above, we can conclude that the counterparty should feel its benefit from a potential transaction. To do this, in the text of the letter you need to succinctly outline all the advantages of your company, the products or services offered.

In order for letters with proposals for cooperation to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances. The text of this letter should arouse interest in its reader. A well-written text containing the most necessary information should motivate certain actions.

Ideally, the recipient of such a letter should ask for a price list for services or products. This development of events indicates the effectiveness of the mailing.

According to legal experts, a commercial proposal can be considered as an official form. However, today there is no standard template that is used to develop such forms. Each company can independently create a sample letter that will be used in external document flow. It should be noted here that when composing business letters, it is necessary to take into account business ethics and the basics of office work.

The purpose of a business letter of cooperation is to make an offer that is difficult to refuse, and thereby acquire new partners in order to successfully sell your goods and/or services in the future.

What to pay attention to when drafting a document When drawing up documents of this type, it is recommended to use letterhead

. Personalized letters are highly effective. Such commercial offers indicate the first and last name of the recipient of the letter. The rules of business etiquette require politeness and gratitude for reading the letter. These nuances must be taken into account when developing a sample form that will be used in document flow.

Selecting a form

As practice shows, it is possible to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation on a simple A4 sheet of paper. However, the use of letterheads has several undeniable advantages. Such forms are an integral part of the company's image. Also, these documents can be considered as promotional materials.

We have already noted above that greeting a potential partner is one of the most important parts of the text. This section of the document requires special attention during its development. The use of standard forms is advisable only for general distribution of documents. In the case where preliminary negotiations have already been held with a potential counterparty, it is necessary to indicate his name and patronymic in the text of the letter. The same approach is necessary for buyers and customers with whom it is planned to conclude a major transaction.

Attractive title

Many businessmen refuse to read commercial offers, comparing such letters with intrusive spam. This is especially true for electronic messages. In order to interest the reader, you need to come up with an intriguing title.. It is necessary to disclose the main content of the document itself. The use of “advertising” headings can only be abandoned if the letter is sent to government agencies. Those companies that have a well-promoted image may also refuse to use advertising texts.

Many budget organizations use the classic “dry” form of the document when developing commercial proposals. Such letters lack creativity and advertising gimmicks. Since these documents are drawn up on the basis of generally accepted rules, the management of budgetary structures does not need to use various methods of attracting attention to their proposal.

Such a letter represents the “face” of your company, so your prospects for cooperation depend on how competently, interestingly and clearly it is drawn up.

Main part of the sentence

The main section of the document should briefly and concisely outline the terms of the proposed cooperation.

It is necessary to briefly describe all the advantages of the partnership and the benefits that the other party will receive. The text of the letter must be justified. The main requirement for such a document is the absence of intrusiveness.

Many entrepreneurs make a big mistake by using psychological methods of pressure. This approach to preparing a document may alienate the reader, which will result in the loss of a profitable contract. In order to interest the reader, it is necessary to use various methods of motivation for a specific action. The promise of a discount for contacting within a certain period of time can increase the effectiveness of the letter.

The last section of letters with proposals for cooperation includes contact information. The recipient of such a letter must be physically able to agree or refuse the proposed terms of the transaction.

To do this, you need to provide a phone number and email address. If the letter was sent in paper form, then in the text of the form you must indicate the full details of your company.

At the end of the document, you need to thank the recipient for spending his personal time reading the letter. This rule of business etiquette must be taken into account when preparing a personal document.

What's the best way to send an offer?

Having considered the classic letter template with a proposal for cooperation, it is necessary to pay a little attention to the methods of sending letters. An entrepreneur can use the services of a courier service or send the form by Russian Post. You can also ask one of the company employees to deliver a letter to the secretary of a potential partner. It is important to note that these classical methods of document management are long outdated. In the modern world, it is common to use email. Using this communication method allows you to significantly optimize document flow. There are a few important things to consider when sending emails.

To create an electronic document, it is recommended to use the PDF format. The main feature of this format is its versatility. It is supported by both regular desktop computers and other gadgets. It is also necessary to take into account that the distribution of such letters should be carried out by the person who conducted the preliminary negotiations. Otherwise, the recipient can simply delete the email and mark it as spam.

  1. Many entrepreneurs make a big mistake by not specifying the subject of the email. When sending the document, you must make the title “Offer of Cooperation.” You can also indicate a short content of the document in the title. When using electronic document management, you must adhere to the following rules:
  2. Specify the email address of the message recipient.
  3. Download the electronic form.
  4. Write a motivating headline.

Formulate accompanying text that will be indicated in the letter itself.

Many newbies in business are afraid of seeming too pushy and rarely call potential partners back after sending a letter. At this stage, it is very important not to lose control of the situation. Immediately after sending the document, you must call the counterparty back in order to clarify whether the letter was received. During this conversation, you need to find out how long the entrepreneur will need in order to resolve the issue of the need to conclude a contract. During a telephone conversation, you need to be as concise as possible. Otherwise, such behavior may be regarded as intrusiveness and importunity.

Common Mistakes

Crafting an effective engagement letter can be challenging. As a rule, when developing such letters, the rules of marketing and advertising are used. Before you start developing a form yourself, you need to learn about the most common mistakes. This approach minimizes the risk of refusal to conclude a deal.

Complicated syntax

Many entrepreneurs, trying to convince a potential partner, “build” overly complex verbal structures. In order to influence the reader, you need to use short sentences consisting of several phrases.

Despite the fact that when drawing up a business proposal, the rules of business correspondence are used, it is very important to express your thoughts in simple words.

Unnecessary brevity According to many entrepreneurs, the text of a commercial proposal should take no more than one page. However, in some situations, shortening the letter in this way can turn off the reader. It is very important to disclose all the details of future collaboration.

However, there is no need to try too hard and describe all the delights of cooperation on ten pages.

Some entrepreneurs who send letters of proposal for cooperation list several of their main products or services in the document. The same phrases and wording are used to describe products. Other entrepreneurs simply copy product descriptions from their competitors. This approach to writing commercial letters is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary not only to properly advertise your offer, but also to prove that the potential partner will not receive more favorable terms of cooperation from competitors.

The main emphasis in the text of the letter should be focused on the exclusivity of the proposed products or services. Only after the main topic has been covered can you move on to listing the benefits of collaboration.

There are no standards or rules for the text of such letters, but there are basic points that should be present in them

Imposing one's own merits

From all of the above, we can conclude that a commercial offer is a kind of advertising for one’s own company. However, all the advantages of the company must be justified. As arguments, you can use positive reviews from people who have already used the proposed service or product. It is very important to give examples of those individuals who are known to the potential recipient of the CP. These can be show business stars or other celebrities. As an example of the benefits of his company, the person writing the proposal can tell the story of his client who took advantage of the proposal. The best confirmation of the effectiveness of cooperation are concrete numbers

. Here you must indicate the amount of income received by the person who took advantage of this offer.

Examples of successful commercial proposals

In order to better understand the structure of a commercial proposal, it is necessary to consider a practical example of a commercial proposal for cooperation. A well-written letter can significantly increase the chances of concluding an agreement. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contents of a personal letter sent by employees of the design agency.

“Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich!

  1. Development of several design samples taking into account individual client requirements.
  2. Providing assistance in the further launch of the resource.
  3. Presentation of complete technical information.
  4. Conducting training seminars with company employees.
  5. Free corporate logo design as a gift.

By spending only twenty thousand rubles per order to develop a corporate website, you will significantly increase the reach of your consumer audience. Having your own resource allows you to increase sales by 300 percent! At the same time, you will gain access to a new market and the opportunity to accept orders from clients from other regions.

Our terms:

  1. Payment of the full cost of services at the time of signing the contract.
  2. Placement of an advertising block on the created resource with a link to our website.

We will be happy to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!
Sincerely, representative of the Design company, Romanova R. R. Vkontakte

I constantly receive emails with various offers of cooperation. But half of them do not even open, the second half is subjected to severe criticism. And only a small part (maybe every twentieth or thirtieth letter) achieves its goal and brings some fruits of cooperation.

I will try to give you the correct one.

So let's look at an example of a typical collaboration email that periodically clogs my inbox. As a rule, such a letter begins with the following words:

- Good afternoon.

Mistake #1. Or WHERE IS MY NAME???

Remember, this is very, very important, be sure to write in each letter the NAME of the person to whom this letter is intended. The absence of a name in cooperation letters is the first sign of a pattern. And templates, as we know, don’t work, they’re just annoying!

Example of correct address:

Hello Dmitry!
- Good afternoon, Tatyana.
- Greetings, Kirill

Mistake #2. Or I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!!

My name is [XXX]. I represent the publishing house [XXX]
- My name is [ХХХ], I am the partnership development manager of the company [ХХХ]
- My name is [XXX], I represent the company...

Remember, by nature it is more pleasant and interesting for us to discuss ourselves, solve our issues, and not listen to stories about what a wonderful company you are!

How first paragraph rule? In which you must, no - simply must, hook the reader?

I don’t argue that you need to introduce yourself in the letter so that you can have an idea of ​​who sent the letter in the first place. But this should NOT be indicated in the FIRST paragraph. The first paragraph is only to interest the reader and encourage him to read the letter of cooperation in its entirety. Role model – selling articles. Letters must follow the same rules.

Mistake #3. Or why do letters of invitation to cooperation need design?

If a letter contains design elements, it immediately goes into the trash bin. I don’t understand why design is needed in letters of invitation to cooperation? This is neither a website, nor a booklet, nor a leaflet - it is a LETTER.

Design elements immediately reveal that the letter is a template, which means it was sent to hundreds, and maybe thousands of other people. Disgust immediately arises because you feel the insincerity of this letter. You begin to perceive all the written words differently, as if you know that everything written is exactly as deceitful and fake as this design. And all because there is no individual approach. Many clients are ready to almost “sell their soul” for an individual approach.

*Please do not confuse design elements and formatting. The second is exactly what is needed in letters.

**An example of a letter with a design can be found in your email in the SPAM folder.

Mistake #4. The entire letter is a solid template.

95% of letters inviting cooperation are a banal template that is written in violation of all possible marketing and copywriting rules. These letters are constantly humming, they are saturated from head to toe with their stereotypes and do not represent any value for the addressees. Strict business style of writing, strict boundaries, complete absence of emotions - and with such a set can one hope for successful cooperation? I don't understand…

You can find an example of such a cooperation letter in your mailbox, I’m sure they are no different.

Now, using the material in this article, try to compose your own. This is to practice your article writing skills. After all, letters are easier to write than articles. In addition, I advise you to read about how to properly write a thank you letter for cooperation.

We will tell you in this article how to correctly compose a letter with a proposal for cooperation so that it interests the recipient. You can download a sample commercial cooperation letter written by experts.

Download this useful document:

When writing a letter of invitation to cooperation

They interact with the organization's business partners most often through business correspondence. The main part of the document flow consists of various kinds of letters containing instructions, proposals, requests and even demands. A letter of partnership and cooperation is a sample of business correspondence that is just beginning. It is written to another organization that provides services or produces products that are of interest to the sender of the letter.

A business letter on cooperation, a sample, is drawn up as an invitation to a mutually beneficial partnership, its purpose is to interest the addressee and show the benefits of the business interaction proposed by the sender. It is assumed that the information contained in the letter will become the basis for concluding a transaction or cooperation agreement.

A sample commercial letter of cooperation is drawn up when:

  • it is necessary to interest potential customers and buyers in the products manufactured by the company;
  • it is required to attract additional capacity or expand production by merging with another company;
  • additionally check the marketing policy pursued by the company and make sure that the products produced are relevant and their price corresponds to the range prevailing in the market for goods and services.

In some cases, an invitation to cooperate will need to be written to a former customer or partner, in relations with whom there was a long break and interaction with whom ceased, although it was not severed.

To correctly compose and format any business letter, use a special designer from the experts of the Secretary's Handbook magazine.

Use the constructor now

Who writes a letter of cooperation between companies

The content of the letter, which should be of interest to the other party, is intended for specialists. The text may contain specialized terms or information that are understandable and of interest to professionals in the industry. Therefore, it is advisable if the initial sample letter with an offer of cooperation is drawn up by a leading specialist supervising this area in the sending company.

Subsequently, using ready-made samples, ordinary performers, including the secretary, will be able to draw up such letters.

But the manager may initially instruct the secretary to draw up a sample commercial letter of cooperation. After all, the secretary, as a rule, is well acquainted with the products or goods offered by the company, has an idea of ​​the specifics of production, etc. But even in this case, the writer needs to prepare and, even before writing a sample letter of cooperation, consult with the company’s relevant specialists.

The employee who will draft the official letter of cooperation must have knowledge, including:

  • about the range of products manufactured by the company and the services offered, their advantages compared to those offered by the rest of the market;
  • about how much and what kind of benefits the company is ready to provide permanent partners with benefits, discounts and deferred payments;
  • about the company’s promising developments that may be of interest to a potential partner;
  • about the benefits that the addressee will receive as a result of joining efforts to produce products or provide services with the sending company.

How to write a letter of cooperation

A letter of cooperation must be drawn up in accordance with the current GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The standard lists the design requirements and specifies the details that must be filled out.

The sender's contact information is indicated at the beginning. To draw up a letter of cooperation, use a company form, the header of which has already filled in all the necessary background information.

Structure of a letter of cooperation:

  • Subject.
  • Appeal.
  • Introduction;
  • The body of the letter is a proposal for mutually beneficial cooperation.
  • Applications.

In the subject line of the letter, it is better to indicate not only that this is a proposal for cooperation, but also the issue on which cooperation is planned. Thus, a sample letter to a supplier about cooperation may contain the following subject wording: “ On cooperation on regular wholesale supplies" For example, the subject line may state: “ About cooperation on the issue:

  • ... supply of goods, provision of services";
  • ... sales of goods";
  • ... about joint participation in the development of innovative products."

Having become familiar with the topic in which a specific issue of cooperation is indicated, the addressee will immediately understand that the letter is not a random advertising campaign and contains a truly important and interesting commercial proposal that directly concerns him.

Since this letter of cooperation must contain an appeal to a specific person - the head of the addressee’s company. Finding out his name and patronymic will not be difficult if you know the address and name of the organization.

The introduction should contain any sample letter to partners about cooperation. This part contains brief information about the activities of the poisoning company and the rationale for the need for interaction. It should tell about the sending company, its professional achievements, the goods and services it offers, and why it chose the recipient company as its business partner. If the sender offers his product, you need to talk about its advantages over other similar products/services.

The body of the letter sets out the essence of the proposal for cooperation. This part specifically indicates what exactly the sender is offering and why this offer is beneficial to the addressee. As a rule, they provide a description of the benefits provided by the company to regular partners, talk about special conditions and benefits that apply to a specific customer or client.

The text of this part should be motivating in nature, not narrative, and the reader should not get the impression that a service is being imposed on him. To make the information better perceived, it is better to break up voluminous text into meaningful paragraph blocks.

Applications- not a mandatory part of the letter of cooperation. Depending on the situation, advertising brochures, a draft cooperation agreement or other documents and calculations confirming mutual financial benefit can be attached to such a letter.

Sample letter with a proposal for cooperation

Download sample

A letter with an offer of cooperation ends with wishes of success and the signature of the head of the company. It does not assume that the addressee will necessarily respond to it.

How to write a letter that will be read to the end , Anton Krasnobabtsev, trainer-consultant, managing partner of KEY SOLUTIONS, expert of the Secretary's Directory magazine, will tell you.
